
Instituto Universitario Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterráneo CEAM - UMH

Parque Tecnológico    C/ Charles R. Darwin,  14
TEL.: +34 961318227 FAX.: +34 961318190



CEAM's Atmospheric Chemistry group simulation chambers


    The European PHOtoREactor was designed by a consortium of 7 research institutes from 4 countries within the EU. The EUPHORE simulation chambers are operated by the Mediterranean Center for Environmental Studies Foundation (CEAM). The Foundation was created in 1991 by the Generalitat Valenciana and Bancaja, with the support of the Secretariat of State for Universities and Research and the European Commission (DG Research). The CEAM Foundation is a Center of Applied Research and Technological Innovation, and it also operates as an associated unit of CSIC. The CEAM is conceived as a mutilidisciplinary center, focussing its performances on complementary thematic areas in which it provides internationally recognized expertise. The scientific activity of the Foundation is articulated in four research programmes: Atmospheric Pollution, Air Pollutant Effect, Forest Research and Meteorology-Climatology.


    The main objectives of the Atmospheric Chemistry area, within the Atmospheric pollution area, are: i) Investigation into the photochemical degradation of atmospheric pollutants and study of generated products which present a potential risk for health and environment. ii) Database development with international projection, iii) Validation and implementation of photochemical models. iv) Development and validation of new instrumentation, as well as improvement of the already existing one v) Exploitation of the EUPHORE smog chambers, for the development of research projects managed by the Foundation, as well as for other national and international institutions.

    • Technical data

      The Installation has two twin outdoor atmospheric simulation chambers. Each one consists of a half spherical Teflon bag with a volume of about 200m3. The chambers are made from a fluorine-ethene-propene (FPE) foil with a thickness of 0.13 mm whereby 32 individual segments are welded together to achieve the half-spherical form. This foil has a transmission of more than 80% for sunlight in the near UV and the visible range between 280 nm and 640 nm, which is the important range supplying the energy for the chemical reactions occurring in photo-oxidation processes in the troposhere. Teflon is a chemically inert material and provides the best choice to avoid uncontrolled reactions of the trace gases with the chamber walls.
      The chamber is self-stabilising against wind distortions when operated with an excess pressure of 100-200 Pa. An internal framework made of epoxide resin tubes based on a half-spherical network construction keeps the foil in shape in the absence of excess internal pressure. The chamber floor consists of 32 symmetrically arranged aluminium panels covered with FPE foil, and an integrated rubber cord is used as a seal between the bag and the floor. One of the technical innovations is the refrigeration system integrated in the chamber floor, which compensates heating of the chamber air by solar radiation. Ports for input of the reactants and sampling lines for the different analytical instruments are located on the chamber floor.

      Analytical instrumentation

      The simulation chambers are equipped with a broad number of analytical instruments in order to analyse VOCs, O3, NO, NO2, PAN, organic nitrates, hydroperoxides and organic acids. For in-situ measurements highly sensitive and selective techniques such as LP-FTIR and LP-UV/VIS DOAS spectroscopy are available. For the sensitive analysis of reaction products several ozone and NOx monitors, as well as HCHO monitor, HONO-LOPAP monitor, PTRMS, GC-MS and GC-MS/MS systems can be employed for sampling the trace gas components directly from the gas phase, with pre-concentration techniques or solvent trapping. For the measurement of OH and OH2 radicals a Laser Induced Fluorescence LIF is available with its excellent potential for obtaining insight into radical formation and radical cycling processes, responsible for ozone and photo-oxidant formation. To measure aerosol formation from biogenic or anthropogenic precursor VOCs during oxidation, the EUPHORE installation is equipped with a SMPS system and a continuous-operating microbalance (TEOM) providing particle numbers and mass concentration. Other off-line techniques, such HPLC and LC-MS or GC-MS for the analysis of different range of compounds, both in gas and particle phase, are also available.

    • Related publications

      Muñoz, A., Vera, T., Ródenas, M., Borrás, E., Mellouki, A., Treacy, J., and Sidebottom, H., 2014. Gas-phase degradation of the herbicide ethalfluralin under atmospheric conditions. Chemosphere, 95: 395-401. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2013.09.053.

      Nölscher, A. C., Butler, T., Auld, J., Veres, P., Muñoz, A., Taraborrelli, D., Vereecken, L., Lelieveld, J., and Williams, J., 2014. Using total OH reactivity to assess isoprene photo oxidation via measurement and model. Atmospheric Environment, 89: 453-463. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.02.024

      Pang, X., Lewis, A., Rickard, A., Baeza-Romero, M. T., Adams, T. J., Ball, S. M., Daniels, M. J. S., Goodall, I. C. A., Monks, P., Peppe, S., Rodenas, M., Sánchez, P., and Muñoz, A., 2014. A smog chamber comparison of a microfluidic derivatization measurement of gas-phase glyoxal and methylglyoxal with other analytical techniques. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 7: 373-389. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/amt-7-373-2014

      Borrás, E., 2013. Caracterización de material particulado atmosférico generado en reactores fotoquímicos y procedente de muestras ambientales. Doctor en Química. Departamento de Química de la Universitat Politècnica de Valencia.

      Hamilton, J. F., Baeza-Romero, M. T., Finessi, E., Rickard, A. R., Healy, R. M., Peppe, S., Adams, T. J., Daniels, M. J. S., Ball, S. M., Goodall, I. C. A., Monks, P. S., Borrás, E., and Muñoz, A., 2013. Online and offline mass spectrometric study of the impact of oxidation and ageing on glyoxal chemistry and uptake onto ammonium sulfate aerosols. Faraday Discussions1-36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C3FD00051F

      Karl, M., Dye, C., Wisthaler, A., Schmidbauer, N., Mikoviny, T., Lanza, M., D'Anna, B., Meme, A., Vázquez, M., Muñoz, A., Ródenas, M., and Borrás, E. 2013. Photo-oxidation of two Amines for Use in Co2 Capture: Experimental Studies in the European Photo Reactor EUPHORE. NILU - Norwegian Institute for Air Research. 10 pp.

      Pang, X., Lewis, A. C., and Rodenas, M., 2013. Microfluidic lab-on-a-chip derivatization for gaseous carbonyl analysis. Journal of Chromatography A, 1296: 93-103. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2013.04.066

      Pereira, K. L., Hamilton, J. F., Rickard, A. R., Bloss, W. J., Alam, M. S., Camredon, M., Muñoz, A., Vázquez, M., Borrás, E., and Ródenas, M., 2013. Secondary organic aerosol formation and composition from the photo-oxidation of methyl chavicol (estragole). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13: 33105-33144. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/acpd-13-33105-2013

      Rodenas, M., Muñoz, A., Alacreu, F., Brauers, T, Dorn, HP, Kleffman, J., and Bloss, W., 2013. Assessment of HONO Measurements: The FIONA Campaign at EUPHORE. In: Barnes, I. and Rudzinski, K. J., (eds.). Disposal of Dangerous Chemicals in Urban Areas and Mega Cities. Role of Oxides and Acids of Nitrogen in Atmospheric Chemistry. 45-58. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. http://rd.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-94-007-5034-0_4

      Tortajada-Genaro, L. A., Borrás, E., and Muñoz, A., 2013. Gas-phase and particulate products from the atmospheric degradation of an isoxazole fungicide. Chemosphere, 92: 1035-1042. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2013.03.041

      Vivanco, M. G., Santiago, M., Sánchez, M., Clavero, M. A., Borrás, E., Ródenas, M., Alacreu, F., Vázquez, M., Clemente, E., Porras, R., Muñoz, A., and Stein, A., 2013. Experimental data on SOA formation from mixtures of anthropogenic and biogenic organic compouds. Atmósfera, 26(1): 59-73. http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?pid=S0187-62362013000100005&script=sci_arttext

      Borrás, E. and Tortajada-Genaro, L. A., 2012. Secondary organic aerosol formation from the photo-oxidation of benzene. Atmospheric Environment, 47: 154-163. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.11.020

      Borrás, E. and Tortajada-Genaro, L. A., 2012. Determination of oxygenated compounds in secondary organic aerosol from isoprene and toluene smog chamber experiments. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 92, No. 1: 110-124. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03067319.2011.572164

      Karl, M., Dye, C., Schmidbauer, N., Wisthaler, A., Micoviny, T., D'Anna, B., Müller, M., Borrás, E., Clemente, E., Muñoz, A., Porras, R., Rodenas, M., Vázquez, M., and Brauers, T, 2012. Study of OH-initiated degradation of 2-aminoethanol. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12: 1881-1901. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/acp-12-1881-2012

      Muñoz, A., Vera, T., Sidebottom, H., Rodenas, M., Borrás, E., Vázquez, M., Raro, M., and Mellouki, A., 2012. Studies on the atmospheric fate of propachlor (2-chloro-N-isopropylacetanilide) in the gas-phase. Atmospheric Environment, 49: 33-40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.12.035

      Vera, T., Muñoz, A., and Palau, J. L., 2012. Pesticide residues in the atmosphere. In: Rathore, H. S. and Nollet, L. M. L., (eds.). Pesticides. Evaluation of environmental pollution. 203-232. CRC Press,

      Borrás, E., Sánchez, P., Muñoz, A., and Tortajada, L. A., 2011. Development of a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method for the determination of pesticides in gaseous and particulate phases in the atmosphere. Analytica Chimica Acta, 699: 57-65. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2011.05.009

      Borrás, E., Rodenas, M., Dieguez, J. J., Pérez-García, M. L., Lomba, R., Lavín, J., and Tortajada-Genaro, L. A., 2011. Development of a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method for the determination of carbon disulfide in the atmosphere. Microchemical Journal, 101: 37-42. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.microc.2011.10.002

      Clifford, G. M., Hadj-Aïssa, A., Healy, R. M., Mellouki, A., Muñoz, A., Wirtz, K., Martín, M., Borrás, E., and Wenger, J. C., 2011. The Atmospheric Photolysis of o-Tolualdehyde. Environmental Science & Technology, 45: 9649-9657. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/es2026533

      Muñoz, A., Le Person, A., Le Calvé, S., Mellouki, A., Borrás, E., Daële, V., and Vera, T., 2011. Studies on atmospheric degradation of diazinon in the EUPHORE simulation chamber. Chemosphere, 85: 724-730. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.06.044

      Muñoz, A., Vera, T., Sidebottom, H., Mellouki, A., Borrás, E., Ródenas, M., Clemente, E., and Vázquez, M., 2011. Studies on the Atmospheric Degradation of Chlorpyrifos-Methyl. Environmental Science & Technology, 45(5): 1880-1886. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/es103572j

      Tortajada-Genaro, L. A. and Borrás, E., 2011. Temperature effect of tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) system measuring semi-volatile organic particulate matter. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13: 1017-1026. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c0em00451k

      Vázquez, M., Palau, J. L., Santa-Cruz, F., and Rickard, A., 2011. "In situ" impact characterization and modelling of different cold-hot weather conditions on the presence and degradation of VOC's in the Mediterranean side of the Iberian Peninsula: MODELISMOS project. In: International workshop on biogenic volatile organic compound emissions models and their applications. Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University. Lancaster (Reino Unido). 17 - 18 Mayo 2011.

      Vera, T., Muñoz, A., Ródenas, M., Vázquez, M., Borrás, E., Marqués, M., Mellouki, A., Treacy, J., and Sidebottom, H., 2011. Atmospheric fate of hymexazol (5-methylisoxazol-3-ol): Simulation chamber studies. Atmospheric Environment, 45: 3704-3710. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.04.024

      Vivanco, M. G., Santiago, M., Martínez-Tarifa, A., Borrás, E., Ródenas, M., García-Diego, C., and Sánchez, M., 2011. SOA formation in a photoreactor from a mixture of organic gases and HONO for different experimental conditions. Atmospheric Environment, 45: 708-715. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.09.059

      Vera, T., Muñoz, A., Ródenas, M., Vázquez, M., Mellouki, A., Treacy, J., Al Mulla, I., and Sidebottom, H., 2010. Photolysis of Trichloronitromethane (Chloropicrin) under Atmospheric Conditions. Z.Phys.Chem, 224: http://dx.doi.org/10.1524/zpch.2010.6140

      Borrás, E., Tortajada, L. A., Vázquez, M., and Zielinska, B., 2009. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exhaust emissions from different reformulated diesel fuels and engine operating conditions. Atmospheric Environment, 43: 5944-5952. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.08.0

      Gómez Alvarez, E. and Valcárcel, M., 2009. Research into conditions of quantitivity in the determination of carboniles in complex air matrices by adsorptive solid phase microextraction. Talanta, 77: 1444-1453. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2008.09.044

      Gómez Alvarez, E., Borrás, E., Viidanoja, J., and Hjorth, J., 2009. Unsaturated dicarbonyl products from the OH-initiated photo-oxidation of furan, 2-methylfuran and 3-methylfuran. Atmospheric Environment, 43: 1603-1612. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.12.019

      Hamilton, J. F., Lewis, A. C., Carey, T. J., Wenger, J., Borrás, E., and Muñoz, A., 2009. Reactive oxidation products promote secondary organic aerosol formation from green leaf volatiles. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9: 3815-3823. http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/9/3815/2009/

      Borrás, E., Tortajada, L. A., and Muñoz, A., 2008. Aerosol formation from oxidation of pesticides. An atmospheric chamber study. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol.10. EGU General Assembly 2008.

      Gómez Alvarez, E., 2008. Desarrollo e implementación de una metodología basada en SPME para el muestreo y cuantificación de intermedios de reacción generados en el curso de reacciones en fase gaseosa en los reactores fotoquímicos EUPHORE. Aplicación al muestreo de carbonilos en las reacciones de foto-oxidación de aromáticos. Doctora en Químicas. Departamento de Química Analítica. Universidad de Córdoba.

      Gómez Alvarez, E., Vázquez, M., Muñoz, A., Hjorth, J., Pilling, M. J., Saathoff, H., and Brauers, T, 2008. The EUROCHAMP Chamber Experiment Database: goals and uses. Present and future potential benefits. In: Barnes, I. and Kharytonov, M. M., (eds.). Simulation and Assessment of Chemical Processes in a Multiphase Environment. 71-82. The NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme,

      Muñoz, A. and Gómez Alvarez, E., 2008. Overview of the EUROCHAMP Database of European Atmosphere Simulation Chambers. In: Barnes, I. and Kharytonov, M. M., (eds.). Simulation and Assessment of Chemical Processes in a Multiphase Environment. 61-70. The NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme,

      Muñoz, A. and Wenger, J., 2008. Effect of OH Scavenger and Humidity on Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from the Reaction of 2-Methylstyrene with Ozone. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol.10. EGU General Assembly 2008.

      Muñoz, A., Gómez Alvarez, E., and Valero, J., 2008. The EUROCHAMP Database of European Atmosphere Simulation Chambers. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol.10. EGU General Assembly 2008.

      Muñoz, A., Vera, T., Mellouki, A., Borrás, E., Rodenas, M., Vázquez, M., and Marqués, M., 2008. Studies of the atmospheric degradation of pesticides at EUPHORE. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol.10. EGU General Assembly 2008.

      Vázquez, M., Borrás, E., and Wirtz, K., 2008. Automatización de los sistemas de calibración de monitores para la medida de contaminantes atmosféricos. XI Congreso de Ingeniería Ambiental. 252-258. Bilbao Exhibition Centre,

      Borrás, E. and Tortajada, L. A., 2007. Characterisation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarons in atmospheric aerosols by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta, 583: 266-276. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2006.10.043

      Gómez Alvarez, E., Viidanoja, J., Muñoz, A., Wirtz, K., and Hjorth, J., 2007. Experimental confirmation of the dicarbonyl route in the photo-oxidation of toluene and benzene. Environmental Science & Technology, 41: 8362-8369. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/es0713274

      Gómez Alvarez, E., 2007. Characterisation of absorptive sampling with SPME fibres in the EUPHORE photoreactor. Talanta, 72: 1757-1766. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2007.02.013

      Kleffman, J., Gavriloaici, T., Elshorbany, Y., Rodenas, M., and Wiesen, P., 2007. Detection of nitric acid (HNO3) in the atmosphere using the LOPAP technique. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 58: 131-149. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10874-007-9083-9

      Le Person, A., Mellouki, A., Muñoz, A., Borrás, E., Martín, M., and Wirtz, K., 2007. Trifluralin: Photolysis under sunlight conditions and reaction with HO radicals. Chemosphere, 67: 376-383. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2006.09.023

      Borrás, E., Martín, M., and Wirtz, K., 2006. Chemical characterisation of carboxylic acids in aerosols. Comparation between simulator atmospheric samples and ambiental samples. In: European Geosciences Un ion. General Assembly. Vienna, 02-07 April 2006.

      Borrás, E., Tortajada, L. A., and Wirtz, K., 2006. Characterisation of PAH's compounds in diesel exhaust emissions for different types of diesel and different motor regimens. In: European Geosciences Un ion. General Assembly. Vienna, 02-07 April 2006.

      Feigenbrugel, V., Le Person, A., Le Calvé, S., Mellouki, A., Muñoz, A., and Wirtz, K., 2006. Atmospheric fate of dichlorvos: photolysis and OH-initiated oxidation studies. Environmental Science & Technology, 40: 850-857. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/es051178u

      Holloway, A.-L., Sidebottom, H., Mellouki, A., Le Bras, G., and Wirtz, K., 2006. A Kinetic and mechanistic study of the atmospheric oxidation of 1,3-diketones. In: 19 th. International Symposium on Gas Kinetics Université d'Orléans, Polytech'Orléans. July 22-27 2006. pp. 61-62

      Kleffman, J., Lörzer, J. C., Wiesen, P., Kern, C., Trick, S., Volkamer, R., Rodenas, M., and Wirtz, K., 2006. Intercomparison of the DOAS and LOPAP techniques for the detection of nitrous acid (HONO). Atmospheric Environment, 40: 3640-3652. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2006.03.027

      Muñoz, A., Correa, B., Gómez Alvarez, E., Borrás, E., Vera, T., Vázquez, M., Rodenas, M., Carrascosa, A., and Wirtz, K., 2006. CEAM contribution to the EUROCHAMP Activity N2: Central Database of Environmental Chamber Studies. In: 19 th. International Symposium on Gas Kinetics Université d'Orléans, Polytech'Orléans. July 22-27 2006. pp. 173-174

      O'Connor, M. P., Wenger, J., Mellouki, A., Wirtz, K., and Muñoz, A., 2006. The atmospheric photolysis of E-2-hexenal, Z-3-hexenal and E, E-2,4-hexadienal. Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., 8: 5236-5246. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/b611344c

      Rodenas, M. and Sanz, M. J. 2006. The EUPHORE photo-smog simulation chambers. 106 pp.

      Rodenas, M., Vera, T., Muñoz, A., Pons, M., and Wirtz, K., 2006. Correction for the absorption cross-section of HCHO. Comparison between techniques. In: 3rd International DOAS Workshop. 20-22 Marzo. Bremen (Alemania).

      Rodenas, M., 2006. Avances en la aplicación de técnicas DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy). Diploma de Estudios Avanzados. Departament d'Enginyeria Electrónica. Universitat de Valencia.

      Solignac, G., Magneron, I., Mellouki, A., Muñoz, A., Martín, M., and Wirtz, K., 2006. A study of the Reaction of OH Radicals with N-Methyl Pyrrolidinone, N-Methyl Succinimide and N-Formyl Pyrrolidinone. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 54: 89-102. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10874-006-9017-y

      Spittler, M., Barnes, I., Bejan, I., Brockmann, K., Benter, Th., and Wirtz, K., 2006. Reactions of NO3 radicals with limonene and á-pinene: Product and SOA formation. Atmospheric Environment, 40: S116-S127. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2005.09.093

      Tadic, J., Moortgat, G. K., and Wirtz, K., 2006. Photolysis of glyoxal in air. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 177: 116-124. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jphotochem.2005.10.010

      Vera, T., Muñoz, A., Rodenas, M., Vázquez, M., Ismael, I., Sidebottom, H., and Mellouki, A., 2006. Photolysis of Chloropicrin. In: 19 th. International Symposium on Gas Kinetics Université d'Orléans, Polytech'Orléans. July 22-27 2006. pp. 149-150

      Zádor, J., Turányi, T., Wirtz, K., and Pilling, M. J., 2006. Measurement and investigation of chamber radical sources in the European Photoreactor (EUPHORE). Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 55: 147-166. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10874-006-9033-y

      Zielinska, B., Sagebiel, J., Stockwell, W., McDonald, J., Seagrave, J. Cl., Wiesen, P., and Wirtz, K., 2006. Determination of photolysis frequencies for selected Carbonyl compounds in the EUPHORE Chamber. In: Barnes, I. and Rudzinski, K. J., (eds.). Environmental Simulation Chambers: Application to Atmospheric Chemical Processes. 121-128.

      Zielinska, B., Sagebiel, J., Stockwell, W., McDonald, J., Seagrave, J. Cl., Wiesen, P., and Wirtz, K., 2006. Investigation of atmospheric transformation of diesel emission in the European Photoreactor (EUPHORE). In: Barnes, I. and Rudzinski, K. J., (eds.). Environmental Simulation Chambers: Application to Atmospheric Chemical Processes. 279-284.

      Bloss, C., Wagner, V., Bonzanini, A., Jenkin, M. E., Wirtz, K., Martín, M., and Pilling, M. J., 2005. Evaluation of detailed aromatic mechanisms (MCMv3 and MCMv.3.1) against environmental chamber data. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 5: 623-639. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/acp-5-623-2005

      Bloss, C., Wagner, V., Jenkin, M. E., Volkamer, R., Bloss, W. J., Lee, J. D., Heard, D. E., Wirtz, K., Martín, M., Rea, G., Wenger, J. C., and Pilling, M. J., 2005. Development of a detailed chemical mechanism (MCMv3.1) for the atmospheric oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 5: 641-664. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/acp-5-641-2005

      Borrás, E. and Carrascosa, A., 2005. LIF (Laser-induced fluorescence) System. OH radicals measurements. In: Communicating European Research (CER-2005). Brussels 14-15 November.

      Borrás, E., 2005. PAHs analisys by Gas Cromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GC - MS). In: Communicating European Research (CER-2005). Brussels 14-15 November.

      Cabañas, B., Baeza, M. T., Martín, P., Salgado, S., Villanueva, F., Monedero, E., and Wirtz, K., 2005. Products and mechanism of the NO3 reaction with Thiophene. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 51: 317-335. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10874-005-3580-5

      Carrascosa, A., 2005. Measurement of OH and HO2 concentration by EUPHORE LIF Instrument. In: Communicating European research (CER-2005). 14-15 Nov. Bruselas.

      Collins, E., Sidebottom, H., Wenger, J., Le Calvé, S., Mellouki, A., Le Bras, G., Villenave, E., and Wirtz, K., 2005. The influence of reaction conditions on the photooxidation of diisopropyl ether. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 176: 86-97. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jphotochem.2005.09.004

      Gómez Alvarez, E., Martín, M., and Wirtz, K., 2005. Use of on-fibre derivatisation SPME techniques as sampling methodology to study complex reaction mechanisms important for urban air quality. In: Abstracts of the 5th International Conference on Urban Air Quality. Valencia, 29-31 March 2005.

      Gómez Alvarez, E., Martín, M., and Wirtz, K., 2005. Use of on-fibre derivatisation SPME techniques as sampling methodology to study complex reaction mechanisms important for urban air quality. In: Sokhi, R. S., Millán, M. M., and Mousiopoulos, N., (eds.). Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Urban Air Quality. Valencia, 29-31 March 2005. University of Hertfordshire, Valencia, Spain.

      Hamilton, J. F., Webb, P. J., Lewis, A. C., and Martín, M., 2005. Quantifying small molecules in secondary organic aerosol formed during the photo-oxidation of toluene with hydroxyl radicals. Atmospheric Environment, 39: 7263-7275. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2005.09.006

      Johnson, D., Jenkin, M. E., Wirtz, K., and Martín, M., 2005. Simulating the formation of secundary organic aerosol from the photooxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons. Environ.Chem., 2: 35-48. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/en04079

      Kelly, T., Bossoutrot, V., Magneron, I., Wirtz, K., Treacy, J., Mellouki, A., Sidebottom, H., and Le Bras, G., 2005. A kinetic and mechanistic study of the reactions of OH radicals and CI atoms with 3,3,3-Trifluoropropanol under atmospheric conditions. J.Phys.Chem.A, 109: 347-355. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp0467402

      Magneron, I., Mellouki, A., Le Bras, G., Moortgat, G. K., Horowitz, A., and Wirtz, K., 2005. Photolysis and OH-Initiated Oxidation of Glycolaldehyde under Atmospheric Conditions. J.Phys.Chem.A, 109: 4552-4561. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp044346y

      Martín, M. and Wirtz, K., 2005. Is Benzene a precursor for secondary organic aerosol? Environmental Science & Technology, 39: 1045-1054. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/es049802a

      Merten, A., Platt, U., Rodenas, M., and Wirtz, K., 2005. Improvement of the detection limit of Active-DOAS-Measurements. In: 69 th Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG). Berlin 4-9 March 2005.

      Rodenas, M., 2005. The simulation Chamber EUPHORE. A shared platform to study atmospheric processes. 10 years of international co-operation. In: Communicating European Research (CER-2005). 14-15 Nov. Bruselas.

      Rodenas, M., 2005. Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS). In: Communicating European Research (CER-2005). 14-15 Nov. Bruselas.

      Rodenas, M. and Carrascosa, A., 2005. EUROCHAMP. Integration of European Simulation Chambers for Investigating Atmospheric Processes. An integrated infraestructure initiative. In: Communicating European Research (CER-2005). 14-15 Nov. Bruselas.

      Solignac, G., Magneron, I., Mellouki, A., Le Bras, G., Muñoz, A., and Wirtz, K., 2005. A study of the OH reaction with N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, N-methylsuccinimide and 1-formyl-2-pyrrolidone. In: EGU 05. General Assembly 2005. Vienna Austria 24-29 Abril.

      Solignac, G., Magneron, I., Mellouki, A., Le Bras, G., Muñoz, A., and Wirtz, K., 2005. A study of the OH reaction with N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, N-methylsuccinimide and 1-formyl-2-pyrrolidone. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7.EGU 05. General Assembly 2005. Vienna Austria 24-29 Abril.

      Vera, T., 2005. Determination of carbonyl compounds (aldehydes and cetones) using DNPH techniques and HPLC analisys. In: Communicating European Research (CER-2005). Brussels 14-15 November.

      Zador, J., Wagner, V., Wirtz, K., and Pilling, M. J., 2005. Quantitative assessment of uncertainties for a model of tropospheric ethene oxidation using the European Photoreactor (EUPHORE). Atmospheric Environment, 39: 2805-2817. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2004.06.052

      Bloss, W. J., Lee, J. D., Bloss, C., Heard, D. E., Pilling, M. J., Wirtz, K., Martín, M., and Siese, M., 2004. Validation of the calibration os a laser-induced fluorescence instrument for the measurement of OH radicals in the atmosphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 4: 571-583. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/acp-4-571-2004

      Duncianu, M., Olariu, R. I., Arsene, C., Wirtz, K., and Martín, M., 2004. Euphore Chamber Measurement of Atmospheric Photolysis Frecuencies for NO2 O3 and other Molecules. In: EGS 1st General Assembly. 25-30 April. Nice, France.

      Duncianu, M., Olariu, R. I., Arsene, C., Mocanu, R., Wirtz, K., and Martín, M., 2004. Spectroradiometric Determination of the Photolysis Frecuency of NO2 in EUPHORE Chamber. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitattii "AL.I.CUZA" IASI.Seria Chimie, XII: 17-24.

      Johnson, D., Jenkin, M. E., Wirtz, K., and Martín, M., 2004. Simulating the formation of secundary organic aerosol from the photooxidation of Toluene. Environ.Chem., 1: 150-165. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/EN04069

      Olariu, R. I., Bejan, I., Barnes, I., Klotz, B., Becker, K. H., and Wirtz, K., 2004. Rate coefficients for the gas-phasereaction of NO3 radicals with selected dihydroxybenzenes. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 36: 557-583. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/kin.20029

      Various, V. 2004. The European Photoreactor EUPHORE 4th Report 2001. Paterna (Valencia), Spain: Universität Wuppertal and Fundación CEAM. 193 pp.

      Wenger, J., Le Calvé, S., Sidebottom, H., Wirtz, K., Martín, M., and Franklin, J. A., 2004. Photolysis of Chloral under Atmospheric Conditions. Environmental Science & Technology, 38: 831-837. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/es0300719

      Zielinska, B., McDaniel, M., Stockwell, W., Seagrave, J. Cl., McDonald, J., Wiesen, P., Kleffman, J., Kurtenbach, R., and Wirtz, K., 2004. Atmospheric Transformations of Diesel Emissions. In: Health Institute (HEI) Annual Conference. 2-4 May, Boston, MA.

      Hamilton, J. F., Lewis, A. C., Bloss, C., Wagner, V., Henderson, A. P., Golding, B. T., Wirtz, K., Martín, M., and Pilling, M. J., 2003. Measurements of photo-oxidation products from the reaction of a series of alkyl-benzenes with hydroxyl radicals during EXACT using comprehensive gas chromatography. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 3: 1999-2014.

      Martín, M. and Wirtz, K., 2003. SOA formation of benzene and toluene under ambient conditions. Comparison to Odum's gas-particle absortion model. In: Secondary Aerosols. 16-18 May. Wengen, Switzerland.

      Olariu, R. I., Bejan, I., Barnes, I., Arsene, C., Becker, K. H., and Wirtz, K., 2003. Secondary organic aerosol formation from the atmospheric oxidation of phenols. In: EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, 3. 7-11 April. Nice.

      Petäjä, T., Martín, M., Vaattovaara, P., Joutsensaari, J., Hämeri, K., and Laaksonen, A., 2003. Growth of aerosol phase toluene oxidation products in water and ethanol vapour in outdoor smog chamber experiments. In: Research Unit on Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Atmospheric Composition and Climate Change: Progress Report and Proceeding of Seminar in Hyytiälä. 12-14 March. Report series in aerosol science. Helsinki. pp. 171-175

      Rodenas, M. and Wirtz, K., 2003. Memory-effect of PDA detectors observed in the EUPHORE smog chamber using DOAS technique. In: Second international DOAS workshop. 17-19 September. Heidelberg.

      Wagner, V., Jenkin, M. E., Saunders, S. M., Stanton, J., Wirtz, K., and Pilling, M. J., 2003. Modelling of the photooxidation of toluene: conceptual ideas for validating detailed mechanisms. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 3: 89-106.

      Wirtz, K., 2003. EUPHORE: research facility to study tropospheric transformation processes. In: EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assambly. 7-11 April. Nice, France.

      Wirtz, K. and Martín, M., 2003. Density of secondary organic aerosol. In: European Aerosol Conference. 31 August- 5 September. Madrid.

      Wirtz, K., Martín, M., and Borrás, E., 2003. Aerosol formation studies on aromatic hydrocarbons in the EUPHORE outdoor simulation chamber. In: EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly. 7-11 April. Nice, France.

      Bejan, I., Olariu, R. I., Barnes, I., Biehl, H. M., and Wirtz, K., 2002. FT-IR Investigations of the Gas-Phase Reaction of the NO3 Radical with a Series of Benzanediol Compounds GPP). In: EC/EUROTRAC-2 Joint Workshop Shaping the Future of Atmmospheric Chemistry Research in Europe. 9-11 September. Université Paris. Paris.

      Klotz, B., Volkamer, R., Hurley, M., Sulbaek, M., Nielsen, O., Barnes, I., Imamura, T., Wirtz, K., Becker, K. H., Platt, U., Wallington, T., and Washida, N., 2002. OH-initiated oxidation of benzene. Part II. Influence of elevated NOx concentrations. Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., 4: 4399-4411.

      Magneron, I., Thévenet, R., Mellouki, A., Le Bras, G., Moortgat, G. K., and Wirtz, K., 2002. A study of the photolysis and OH-initiated oxidation of acrolein and trans-crotonaldehyde. J.Phys.Chem.A, 106: 2526-2537.

      Martín, M., 2002. Mechanistic details of aromatic photooxidation derived from the characterization of secondary aerosol formation. In: EC/EUROTRAC-2 Joint Workshop "Shaping the future of atmospheric chemistry research in Europe". 9-11 September, Paris.

      Thiault, G., Mellouki, A., Le Bras, G., Chakir, A., Sokolowski-´omez, N., Daumont, D., Volkamer, R., and Wirtz, K., 2002. The UV-Visible Spectra and Atmospheric Photolysis of Aromatic Aldehydes (GPP). In: EC/EUROTRAC-2 Joint Workshop shapin the future of atmospheric chemistry research in Europe. 9 th September. Paris.

      Volkamer, R., Junkermann, R., Wirtz, K., and Platt, U., 2002. Formation of Formaldehyde, Glyoxal and Methylglyoxal from Toluene + OH reaction in the presence of NOx. In: The EGS 27 th General Assembly. 21-26 April 2002. Nice, France.

      Volkamer, R., Klotz, B., Barnes, I., Imamura, T., Wirtz, K., Washida, N., Becker, K. H., and Platt, U., 2002. OH-initiated oxidation of benzene. Part I. Ohenol formation under atmospheric conditions. Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., 4: 1598-1610.

      Volkamer, R., Uecker, J., Wirtz, K., and Platt, U., 2002. OH-Radical initiated Oxidation of BTXM: Formation and Atmospheric Fate of Phenol-type Compounds in the Presence of NOx. In: EUROTRAC-2 Symposium 2002. Weikersheim. pp. 1-5

      Volkamer, R., Platt, U., Rodenas, M., Uecker, J., and Wirtz, K., 2002. OH-initiated oxidation mechanism of BTXM: a DOAS study on ring-retaining products and glyoxal. In: The EGS 25 th General Assembly, 24-29 Abril. Nice (France).

      Wirtz, K., Martín, M., and Borrás, E., 2002. Aerosol formation from benzene photooxidation under atmospheric conditions in a large simulation chamber. In: Atmospheric Chemistry in the Earth System: From regional pollution to global change. 18-25 September. Creta (Grecia).

      Kirchner, F., Mihelcic, D., Heitlinger, M., Wirtz, K., and Geiger, H., 2001. The decay of hydrocarbons: measurements of peroxy radicals and modelling. In: Midgley, P. M., Reuther, M., and Williams, M., (eds.). Proceedings from the EUROTRAC-2 symposium 2000. 709-712.Heidelberg.

      Martín, M., Maldonado, C, Wirtz, K., Astorga, C., Viidanoja, J., van Dingenen, R., Jensen, N., Larsen, B., and Hjorth, J., 2001. Formation and characterization of secondary organic aerosol from the toluene oxidation in EUPHORE. In: A changing atmosphere. Programme abstracts. 8th European Symposium on the Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants. 17-20 September 2001. Torino (IT).

      Martín, M., Platt, U., and Millán, M. M., 2001. Oxidizing capacity of the atmossphere and transport of photooxidants. In: Angeletti, G. and Hov, O, (eds.). Summary results of EC clusters of projects within the second phase of the environment and climate programme, 1998-2000, fourth framework programme. 11-31. European Communities, Luxembourg.

      Martín, M., Wirtz, K., and Maldonado, C, 2001. Secondary organic aerosol formation during the atmospheric degradation of toluene. In: A changing atmosphere. Programme abstracts. 8th European Symposium on the Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants. 17-20 September 2001. Torino (IT).

      Pons, M., Ródenas, M., Vera, T., and Wirtz, K., 2001. Intercomparison of glyoxal and methylglyoxal measrements with spectrometric techniques and derivatization techniques. In: ALDEHYDES 2001 Conference. Münster, Germany.

      Pons, M., Vera, T., and Wirtz, K., 2001. Formation of a formaldehyde positive artifact in the sampling of gas-phase carbonylic compounds with DNPH-coated cartridges in presence of acetals. In: ARTEFACTA II Workshop. Arlesheim (Switzerland).

      Siese, M., Becker, K. H., Brockmann, K., Geiger, H., Hofzumahaus, A., Holland, F., Mihelcic, D., and Wirtz, K., 2001. Direct measurement of OH radicals from ozonolysis of selected alkenes: A EUPHORE simulation chamber study. In: A changing atmosphere. Programme abstracts. 8th European Symposium on the Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants. 17-20 September 2001. Torino (IT).

      Siese, M., Becker, K. H., Brockmann, K., Geiger, H., Hofzumahaus, A., Holland, F., and Wirtz, K., 2001. Direct measurement of OH radicals from ozonolysis of selected alkenes: A EUPHORE simulation chamber study. Environmental Science & Technology, 35: 4660-4667.

      Volkamer, R., 2001. A DOAS study on the oxidation mechanism of aromatic hydrocarbons under simulated atmospheric conditions. Doctor of Natural Sciences. Combined Faculties for the Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the Rupertus Carola University of Heidelberg.

      Volkamer, R., Platt, U., and Wirtz, K., 2001. Primary and secondary glyoxal formation from aromatics: Experimental evidence for the Bicycloalkyl-Radical pathway from Benzene, Toluene, and p-Xylene. J.Phys.Chem.A, 105: 7865-7874.

      Wirtz, K., 2001. EUPHORE. In: Escribano, R., (eds.). Fisico-Química de la atmósfera. 295-307. Comité de Espectroscopía. Sociedad española de óptica, Madrid.

      Kleffman, J., Heland, J., Kurtenbach, R., Lörzer, R., Wiesen, P., Ammann, M., Gutzwiller, L., Rodenas, M., Wirtz, K., Scheer, V., and Vogt, R., 2000. HONO Emissions from a Diesel Engine. In: Final Program EC / EUROTRAC-2 Joint Workshop. Lausanne-Ecublens, Switzerland. pp. 70

      Maldonado, C and Wirtz, K., 2000. Effect of Diesel Formulation on the Distribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Diesel Fuels and Diesel Exhaust Particulates. In: Workshop on traffic emissions, roadway & tunnel studies. Vienna.

      Pérez, F. F., Bea, J., and Valero, R., 2000. Anew algorithm for the kinetic data analisys. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 53: 1-19.

      Volkamer, R., Wirtz, K., and Platt, U., 2000. Primary and Secondary Glyoxal Formation from Aromatics: Experimental Evidence for a Fast Ring-Cleavage of BTX. In: Final Program EC / EUROTRAC-2 Joint Workshop. Lausanne-Ecublens, Switzerland. pp. 49

      Volkamer, R., Becker, K. H., Klotz, B., Platt, U., Uecker, J., and Wirtz, K., 2000. OH-Radical initiated Oxidation of Aromatics: A DOAS Study on the Formation Mechanism of Ring-Retaining Products and Glyoxal. In: Chemical Behaviour of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Troposphere. Wuppertal. pp. 15-23

      Winterhalter, R., Niels, R., Magneron, I., Wirtz, K., Mellouki, A., Yujing, M., Tadic, J., Horowitz, A., Moortgat, G. K., and Hjorth, J., 2000. Atmospheric Degradation of Pyruvic Acid: Products and Mechanism of the Photolysis and Comparison with the OH Radical Reaction. In: Final Program EC / EUROTRAC-2 Joint Workshop. Lausanne-Ecublens, Switzerland. pp. 50

      Wirtz, K., Martín, M., Pons, M., Vera, T., and Rodenas, M. 2000. Contribution of Partner O3. Wuppertal, Germany: 78 pp.

      Barnes, I., Becker, K. H., Donner, B., Thüner, L. P., Giavazzi, F., Quandalle, P., Jaecker, A., Pasquereau, M., Payri, F., Primo, J., Lapuerta, M., Wirtz, K., Krüger, B., and Kirchner, F., 1999. Atmospheric Reactivity of Fuel Additives and Exhaust Gas Samples: Gas Phase Degradation of Oxygenated Organic Compounds in the Troposphere (INFORMATEX). In: Becker, K. H. and Angeletti, G., (eds.). Chemical mechanisms of atmospheric processes. Proceeding of the EC workshop Copenhagen, Denmark, 24 and 25 August 1998. 35-42. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.

      Barnes, I., Becker, K. H., Thüner, L. P., and Wirtz, K., 1999. Influence of Fuel Formulation on Atmospheric Reactivity of Exhaust Gases. In: Becker, K. H. and Angeletti, G., (eds.). Chemical mechanisms of atmospheric processes. Proceeding of the EC workshop Copenhagen, Denmark, 24 and 25 August 1998. 215-219. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.

      Gutzwiller, L., Ammann, M., Baltensperger, U., Kleffman, J., Lackhoff, M., Wiesen, P., Wirtz, K., Scheer, V., Vogt, R., and Hass, H., 1999. Assessing HONO Formation on Real Diesel Exhaust in a Smog Chamber Experiment. In: Vogt, R. and Axelsdottir, G., (eds.). Proceedings EC / EUROTRAC-2 JOINT WORKSHOP. 232-235.Aachen, Germany.

      Heitlinger, M., Hoppe, L., Mihelcic, D., Müsgen, P., Kirchner, F., and Wirtz, K., 1999. Measurement of Peroxy Radicals in the European Photoreactor EUPHORE. In: Conbined US/German Environmental Chamber Workshop. Riverside.

      Hjorth, J., Becker, K. H., Hayman, G., Ljungström, E., Moortgat, G. K., and Wirtz, K., 1999. Degradation Mechanisms of Biogenic VOC (BIOVOC). In: Becker, K. H. and Angeletti, G., (eds.). Chemical mechanisms of atmospheric processes. Proceeding of the EC workshop Copenhagen, Denmark, 24 and 25 August 1998. 11-15. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.

      Klotz, B., Sorensen, S., Becker, K. H., Etzkorn, T., Volkamer, R., Platt, U., Wirtz, K., and Martín, M., 1999. Research on the Photo-oxidation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons In the European Photoreactor (EUPHORE). In: Becker, K. H. and Angeletti, G., (eds.). Chemical mechanisms of atmospheric processes. Proceeding of the EC workshop Copenhagen, Denmark, 24 and 25 August 1998. 263-268. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.

      Moortgat, G. K., Wirtz, K., Pons, M., Jensen, N., Horth, J., Winterhalter, R., Ruppert, L., Magneron, I., Tadic, J., and Mellouki, A., 1999. Trends in atmospheric photodissociation rates of selected carbonyl compounds. In: Vogt, R. and Axelsdottir, G., (eds.). Proceedings EC / EUROTRAC-2 JOINT WORKSHOP. 28-31.Aachen, Germany.

      Noziere, B., Spittler, M., Ruppert, L., Barnes, I., Becker, K. H., Pons, M., and Wirtz, K., 1999. Kinetics of the Reactions of Pinonaldehyde with OH Radicals and with Cl Atoms. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 31: 291-301.

      Pons, M., Wirtz, K., and Vera, T., 1999. Hydroperoxide Formation in the Photolysis of Smal Aldehydes. In: IV Congreso de Fotoquímica. Gandía, Valencia.

      Thüner, L. P., Barnes, I., Maurer, T., Sauer, G., and Becker, K. H., 1999. Kinetic Study of the Reaction of OH with a Series of Acetals at 298 ± 4K. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 31: 797-803.

      Thüner, L. P., Maurer, T., Sauer, G., Barnes, I., and Becker, K. H., 1999. Kinetic Study of the Reaction of OH with a Series of Acetals at 298±4 K. In: Vogt, R. and Axelsdottir, G., (eds.). Proceedings EC / EUROTRAC-2 JOINT WORKSHOP. 138-141.Aachen, Germany.

      Volkamer, R., Uecker, J., and Wirtz, K., 1999. Photooxidation of P-Xylene: an outdoor smog chamber sutdy using DOAS for the determination of ring-retainig products yields. In: International Conference: Air Quality in Europe: Challenges for the 2000s. Venice.

      Wenger, J., Collins, E., Sidebottom, H., Le Calvé, S., Mellouki, A., Le Bras, G., and Wirtz, K., 1999. Atmospheric Oxidation of Ethers Under High and Low NOx Conditions. In: Conbined US/German Environmental Chamber Workshop. Riverside.

      Wirtz, K., Martín, M., and Thüner, L. P. 1999. In Situ Euphore Radical Measurement (EUPHORAM). Wuppertal:

      Wirtz, K., Martín, M., and Pons, M., 1999. Photolysis of Small Aldehydes in the European Photoreactor. In: Becker, K. H. and Angeletti, G., (eds.). Chemical mechanisms of atmospheric processes. Proceeding of the EC workshop Copenhagen, Denmark, 24 and 25 August 1998. 191-219. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.

      Wirtz, K., 1999. Determination of Photolysis Frequencies and Quantum Yields for Small Carbonyl Compounds using the EUPHORE Chamber. In: Conbined US/German Environmental Chamber Workshop. Riverside.

      Bea, J., 1998. Estudio del mecanismo de reacción entre la 4,7,10-trioxa-1,-13-tridecanodiamina y diversas tetrahalo-p-benzoquinonas. Doctor en Químicas. Departamento de Quimica-Física. Universidad de Valencia.

      Christoffersen, T. S., Hjorth, J., Horie, O., Jensen, N., Kotzias, D., Molander, L. L., Neeb, P., Ruppert, L., Winterhalter, R., Virkkula, A., Wirtz, K., and Larsen, B., 1998. cis-PINIC acid, a possible precursor for organic aerosol formation from ozonolysis of a-PINENE. Atmospheric Environment, 32-10: 1657-1661.

      Klotz, B., Sorensen, S., Barnes, I., Becker, K. H., Etzkorn, T., Volkamer, R., Platt, U., Wirtz, K., and Martín, M., 1998. Atmospheric Oxidation of Toluene in a Large-Volume Outdoor Photoreactor: In Situ Determination of Ring-Retaining Product Yields. J.Phys.Chem.A, 102-50: 10289-10299.

      Volkamer, R., Etzkorn, T., Geyer, A., and Platt, U., 1998. Correction of the oxygen interference with UV spectroscopic (DOAS) measurements of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the atmosphere. Atmospheric Environment, 32: 3731-3747.

      Wirtz, K., Martín, M., Pons, M., Vera, T., Bea, J., Hjorth, J., and Jensen, N. 1998. Use of the EUPHORE chambers and technical support for the use of all available analytical facilities.

      Wirtz, K., 1998. The EUropean PHOtoREactor (EUPHORE). Wuppertal. pp. 149-163

      Heitlinger, M., Volz-Thomas, A., Wildt, J., Brockmann, K., Mönninghoff, S., and Wirtz, K., 1997. Formation of peroxy radicals during the ozonolysis of terpenes. In: Larsen, B., Versino, B., and Angeletti, G., (eds.). The oxidizing capacity of the troposphere: Proceedings of the seventh European symposium on physico-chemical behaviour of atmospheric pollutants. 163-166. European commission, Luxembourg.

      Ruppert, L., Plagens, H., Becker, K. H., Hjorth, J., Jensen, N., Virkkula, A., van Dingenen, R., Wirtz, K., Horie, O., Neeb, P., and Winterhalter, R., 1997. Product and aerosol formation from the ozonolysis of monoterpenes. In: Workshop on Biogenic Hydrocarbons in the atmospheric boundary layer, August, 24-27. Charlottesville, Va. (USA). pp. 1-4

      Becker, K. H., Hjorth, J., Le Bras, G., Millán, M. M., Platt, U., Toupance, G., and Wildt, J. 1996. The European Photoreactor: Euphore. Wuppertal: European Commission.

      Brockmann, K., Kriesche, V., Etzkorn, T., Volkamer, R., and Wirtz, K., 1996. The European Photoreactor EUPHORE: A Technical Description. In: Borrell, P. M., Borrell, P., Cvitas, T., Kelly, K., and Seiler, W., (eds.). Proceedings of Eurotrac Symposium '96. 457-461. Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton.

      Martín, M., Wirtz, K., and Becker, K. H., 1996. Studies of photochemical ozone formation in toluene/NOx/air systems by empirical and numerical simulations. In: Allegrini, I. and De Santis, F., (eds.). Urban Air Pollution. Monitoring and Control Strategies. 57-63. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Monterotondo Stazione, Italy.

      Martín, M., Pons, M., Wirtz, K., Etzkorn, T., and Senzig, J., 1996. An outdoor smog chamber study of the gas-phase chemistry of toluene and xylenes in nox / air systems. In: Larsen, B., Versino, B., and Angeletti, G., (eds.). The oxidizing capacity of the troposphere: Proceedings of the seventh European symposium on physico-chemical behaviour of atmospheric pollutants. 350-354. European Commission, Luxembourg.

      Martín, M., 1995. Experimental Study of the Physicochemical Parameters which Control the Photochemical Oxidation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Simulated Urban Atmospheres. Doctor en Fisicas. Facultad de Ciencias Físicas. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

      Martín, M. and Wirtz, K., 1995. Estudio de los procesos químicos atmosféricos mediante cámaras de smog fotoquímico. Retema Medio Ambiente27-32.

      Becker, K. H., Martín, M., Wirtz, K., and Millán, M. M., 1994. Photochemical ozone production in hydrocarbon-NOx air systems. In: Angeletti, G., (eds.). Physico-chemical behaviour of atmospheric pollutants: Proceedings of the Sixth European Symposium. 163-168. European Commission, Luxembourg.

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      Reaction chambers
      CEAM building


    Researchers' access to the facilities throughout the development of experimental campaigns using the atmospheric simulation chambers and the analytical instrumentation available in order to obtain those chemical parameters required for the subsequent interpretation of the processes occurring in the atmosphere. The experimental conditions must be framed within the specifications of the simulation chambers design. That is, due to its technical characteristics and use, this facility is designed for the study of chemical processes in atmospheric conditions, other than those conditions can not be performed here, such as chemical processes in the stratosphere and kinetic studies at different temperatures and/or pressures setting up by the user.
    Regarding the administrative requirements, the researchers' access to Euphore facilities can be done by external funding through the subcontracting of them. In this case, the user bears the cost, both facilities' basic operation during the period used as consumables and personnel needed to perform experiments. They also bear the cost of data processing. The researchers that come to the facilities are to be hired by their origin institution; besides, they must meet standards of safety and health at work, following guidelines and Spanish and European regulations that have been established by the centre itself for working in the laboratories.
    Another way for acceding at EUPHORE facilities is by means of projects in which the Foundation participates together with other institutions, in which case the funding comes from these projects and helps the access to the external researchers.

    Access form

    The facility is available for external and internal access all year, except during the month of August for maintenance and cleaning of the chambers the first weeks, and staff holidays from the second fortnight. Also, the last week of December and the first one of January, the facility is not available either for the same reasons.

    • Contact information

      Dr. Amalia Muñoz e-mail: amalia@ceam.es

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