
EUPHORE Chamber B Valencia, EUPHORE (CEAM Foundation), 10th-28th May 2010.


FIONA participants


PDF's updated 2010-5-26 17:02.

Links to the experiments selected.
  1. Pure conditions, simple system: HONO formation in the dark and sunlit chamber. (Not blind).
  2. Clean conditions: HONO / NOx in dark and sunlit chamber. (Not blind).
  3. Low HONO @ high NOx / NO3 / N2O5 (blind)
  4. Ambient air and interference by Phenols and NO2 (blind)
  5. Isoprene nitrates in gas phase and heterogeneous phase (blind)
  6. Photolysis of nitrophenols (blind)
  7. Methylglyoxal as PAN source (blind)
  8. Photo-smog scenario with diesel exhaust (blind)
  9. Repeat part of experiment 1 / 2 in blind manner

Time refers to local time (CET). (Solar time: CET-2)

The first 2 experiments will be for the informal intercomparison and the rest of the experiments will be part of the formal intercomparison. In any case, it was agreed that, for a better dissemination of data, the results would be introduced in the EUROCHAMP database, therefore the data would be provided in text format (EDF). There are some tools (template generator, file checker,...) to help you in creating edf files.

Updated 2010-5-13

During the experiments we can inform you using instant messaging. You'll need a Jabber/XMPP client, for instance Pidgin (license GPL), and a account in a jabber server (we can provide you with it).

Set up:

You can see some pictures at our picture gallery.


Experts committee:

Technical support (campaign preparation):

Technical support (during experiments):



William Bloss, University of Birmingham (w.j.bloss@f4ls0;



Updated 2010-05-24

Instrument Institution Person
LOPAP (CNRS) CNRS-ICARE Cazaunau, Mathieu
Grosselin, Benoit
CIMS (DLR) Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt Dominik, Schäuble
Jessberger, Philipp
Voigth, Christiane
Kaufmann, Stefan
LOPAP (FZJ) Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, ICG-2: Troposphäre Chunxiang, Ye
Häseler, Rolf
IBBCEAS Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, ICG-2: Troposphäre Dorn, Hans-Peter
Varma, Ravi
Ruth, Andy
PF-LIF Georgia Tech Stickel, Bob
Tan, Dave
University of Louisiana Case, Anne
Wet denuder + chemiluminescent FIA Institute of analytical chemistry, Brno Mikuška Pavel
Zbynek Vecera
SA:NED derivaization and analyses with HPLC LISA, Univ. Paris-12 Michoud, Vincent
Miet, Killiam
Colomb, Aurelie
BBCEAS (UCC) UCC, Atmospheric Chemistry Group Chen, Jun
Ashu-ayem, Enowbi
Darby, Stephen
Venables, Dean
BBCEAS (LEI) Univ. Leicester Ball, Stephen
Daniels, Mark
Goodall, Ian
LOPAP (HOU) University of Houston Croxatto, Giovanna
Rapenglück, Bernhard
CIMS (MAN) University of Manchester Bacak, Asan
Mcguillen, Max
Percival, Carl
Mist Chamber/ Ion Chromatography University of New Hampshire Scheuer, Eric
Dibb, Jack
LOPAP (WUP) Universität Wuppertal, Institut für Physikalische Chemie Elshorbany, Yasin
Kleffmann, Jörg
Coil sampling/ azo dye derivatization/ long-path flow cell spectrometry Wadsworth Center and SUNY Albany Xianliang, Zhou
DOAS CEAM Foundation Ródenas, Mila
Clemente, Eva
LOPAP (EUPH) CEAM Foundation Muñoz, Amalia
Porras, Rosa
Filter packs Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ferm, Martin (sampling performed by Esther Borrás)

Complementary instrumentation:

Instrument Institution Person
FTIR CEAM Foundation Ródenas, Milagros
Clemente, Eva
HCHO CEAM Foundation Muñoz, Amalia
Porras, Rosa
SMPS CEAM Foundation Borrás, Esther
LIF CEAM Foundation Alacreu, Francisco
O3 Monitor CEAM Foundation Vázquez, Mónica
NO/NO2 Monitor
J(NO2) Monitor
CO Monitor
SO2 Monitor
PAN-GC CEAM Foundation Porras, Rosa
DNPH cartridges - LC/MS CEAM Foundation Vera, Teresa

Supported by


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